dox42 Word Add-In

Design your templates in Microsoft Word

A dox42 template is a regular Word document.You can therefore start configuring templates with your already existing Word documents.

dox42 Word Add-In
Template Design in Microsoft Word

Template Design in Microsoft Word

Intelligent and high quality documents

Intelligent and high quality documents

All documents for all industries

All documents for all industries

Reduce the Number of Templates

Reduce the Number of Templates

Flexible no-code data integration

Flexible no-code data integration

Intuitive and powerful

Intuitive and powerful


System Requirements

  • dox42 Word Add-In
  • Windows 8 or newer
  • Any Microsoft Word versions from 2010 or newer

Create Templates for generating Documents

Design and automate intuitively

Insert dox42 controls into your template with the dox42 Word Add-In. These controls contain the information for steering the automation and data integration of your document.


Configure your Template to access Data Sources

You can effortlessly connect to Databases, WebServices, Microsoft Excel, XML/JSON, SAP, Dynamics 365, ERP and Microsoft SharePoint. Also, dox42 can be extended with self-developed data sources to allow for access to proprietary systems.


Powerful document design possibilities

With only a few clicks, you can add images, bar codes, tables, charts, diagrams or even whole documents and many more elements to your templates. You insert dox42 data fields with drag and drop and define how the data will be displayed in your final document.


Work with conditions and dynamic layouts

Your documents are complex? No problem with dox42. You can include calculations, conditions, repeated sections, dynamic tables and much more effortlessly with dox42. Tables and layouts will adjust dynamically according to your data.


Generate individually or in Bulk

Generate individually or in Bulk

Generate documents as single or mail merge documents (bulk letter) on the basis of a dox42 template. You can also automatically save als PDF or PDF/A.


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