Optimized document processes for Retail and Food

In retail the documents have to be created not only as fast and reliable as possible, but they also have to be created from several different data sources. Your separate field specialists can create these documents with the help of dox42, without the need of programming skills.

What types of documents are automated?

Offers, Orders, Invoices

Offers, Orders, Invoices

Employment Contracts

Employment Contracts

Legal Documents

Legal Documents

How does REWE Group use dox42?

dox42 has proven to be really effective, which is why we will continue to use the solution for generating our documents. The dox42 team always stood by our side, during the development phase and even afterwards with short reaction time to our questions and requirements. This is the way we imagine a constructive and harmonic cooperation [...]

Benjamin Biendara

Benjamin Biendara

Business Analyst / TIHH-Projekt Holding

More Success Stories

Overall, dox42 has really transformed document building from a boring and painstaking technical burden into an agreeable business-user assignment and I’m very happy with having chosen them [...]

We have compared several different product vendors and dox42 has proven to be the most impressive, providing its flexible solution for a fair price. That the right decision was made can also be seen during operation due to its simple and comfortable maintenance.

Faster communication channels and more timely messaging with the Vinschgauer producers of fruit and vegetables in the new member portal www.vip.coop/bauer thanks to dox42 [...]


"...Break-Even-Point was reached after only four weeks"


"...Break-Even-Point was reached after only four weeks"

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