Imprint and Company details

Invoice address:

dox42 GmbH
Linke Wienzeile 8/29
1060 Vienna


Managing Directors: Christian Bauer and Monika Friedrich
Company registration number: FN 393153 t
Commercial Register Court: Vienna Commercial Court
Registered office: Vienna
Legal form: Limited liability company
UID number: ATU67845433
Member of the Austrian and Viennese Chambers of Commerce
Regulatory authority/commercial authority: District administration of Vienna

Legal Notice

Disclaimer of liability

dox42 GmbH assumes no liability for the accuracy and correctness of any information, especially dox42 GmbH accepts no liability for any links to external websites.

Furthermore, no guarantee is given for the availability or operation of the dox42 website (available at: This website is for general purposes only and no liability is accepted for direct, indirect or other damage, irrespective of its cause, which may arise from the use or non-availability of this website.

Terms of Use

The content offered (elements like: text modules, contracts) and graphics/design are protected by copyright, trademark and competition law. Any use (copying, distribution, etc.) of the content of this website without the express written consent of dox42 GmbH is prohibited.

Social media netiquette

We are happy to connect with you through social networks and ask that you respect our netiquette when communicating through these platforms.

We reserve the right to delete comments and posts and to permanently ban users who do not respect this:

  • We do not tolerate defamation, hate speech or cyberbullying on our social media sites.
  • Discriminatory, violent, pornographic, criminal or anti-competitive content will be removed immediately.
  • Please observe the requirements of personal rights, such as copyright (right to one's own image) and data protection (lawful processing of personal data).

Enquiries and feedback about our social media presence are always welcome.