Company Header Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen GmbH

dox42 & K2: The Toolmix to save your time

dox42 quickly became one of our favorite products. The tool is very slim, and yet really flexible for even technically complex scenarios.

The time being saved is enormous. We use dox42 in combination with Microsoft SharePoint as well as K2 Workflow + smartforms. In one scenario we generate a dynamic report from a K2 process for Field Test Equipment (K2 smartforms). Individual questions and intervals are being integrated (eg. Questionnaires after 1 week, 1 month etc.). All form fields and questions can be drawn generically from a centrally maintained database.

From this report at the end a document is automatically generated with dox42 in our corporate design including all the data. Where the template is designed directly in Word.

We love the technology mix of dox42 with K2, since processes can be completely digitized in a short time.

Andreas Gümbel

Teamlead SharePoint / BI-Development @ Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen GmbH

Andreas Gümbel - Teamlead SharePoint / BI-Development at Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen GmbH