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14 May 2024

dox42 turned blue - International ME/CFS Awareness Day

dox42 turned blue - International ME/CFS Awareness Day

May 12th was ME/CFS International Awareness Day. A protest action to raise awareness took place at Heldenplatz in Vienna, and well-known buildings and landmarks throughout Austria were illuminated in blue.

Raising awareness is an important issue for dox42, which is why our website & Social Media profile was coloured blue in the week leading up to the Awareness Day, and our new office at Linke Wienzeile 8 next to Vienna Naschmarkt, was lit up in blue on May 12th! Have a look at the pictures below.

Why is this topic so important to us? What exactly is ME/CFS, a disease for which there is no single causal therapy and no medication? Which organisations try to help and how can you support them? 

If you want to know more about ME/CFS and the International Awareness Day - please click here>>


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