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17 April 2024

dox42 will turn blue - May 12 is International ME/CFS Day

dox42 will turn blue - May 12 is International ME/CFS Day

Do you know what ME/CFS is? Have you ever heard of the symptoms of this serious disease? Why is it so important to raise awareness about this disease? The answers to these questions can be found below.

Before that, we would like to draw your attention to May 12: Campaigns are planned throughout Austria, and dox42 will be taking part.

What is happening on May 12?

  • On May 12, a protest action is planned at Heldenplatz from 14:00 to raise awareness about ME/CFS and the lack of structural care by presenting individual fates. A program with informative speeches on the topic is also planned. See more>>
  • All around Austria: Well-known buildings and landmarks will be illuminated in blue to raise awareness

What is dox42 doing?

  • We are also trying to raise awareness: We have planned online campaigns for the week before May 12.
  • On May 12, the new dox42 office will be lit up in blue - you will be able to see it standing at Naschmarkt.
  • At the beginning of the year, we made a donation of €1042 to the Austrian Society for ME/CFS, which directly supports research into ME/CFS and those affected.

What is ME/CFS?

  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a severe neuroimmunological multisystem disease that usually leads to considerable physical limitations and thus to the loss of the ability to work and the need for care.
  • There are between 17 and 30 million people with ME/CFS worldwide, at least 250,000 of whom live in Germany. See more>>

Why do so few people know about it?

  • Many of those affected are so ill that they disappear into dark rooms and are thus excluded from public life. This makes them invisible to society.

Are there therapies/medications?

  • There are also virtually no medical contact points and hardly any research. As many doctors and health insurers are not aware of ME/CFS, those affected often receive no support at all.

What can be done to help?

  • The lack of awareness is a huge problem. You can do something effective about this right now: inform yourself and talk to friends, acquaintances, family and work colleagues about ME/CFS. As ME/CFS becomes better known, policy and research must respond.
  • Set an example on International ME/CFS Day May 12th

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