
Relaxed we look to the future and look forward to the next joint projects

The requirements of T.CON for a contract management system with integrated workflow management were met with the "Shareflex" solution from Portal Systems. With that, transparency was created and our contract management optimized. Together with Portal Systems as a strong partner, the process was mapped and digitized. Now it is possible to see at a glance which contract is in which process step and furthermore the system provides appropriate information / notices on contract processes. Thanks to the simple user interface, every user can quickly find their way around. A contract can be found within a very short time by using the built-in search function or when calling the customer's file.

Another requirement was automated document generation when contracting on the basis of the respective contract template. Portal Systems then introduced us to dox42, which was in line with our expectations. After a short test phase, we immediately recognized the optimization improvement and connected dox42 to our existing workflow. Automated and by one click of a button, the centrally stored contract templates for each contract type are being found and created according to the corresponding contract. The creation of contracts now happens on the one hand essentially error-free, since the correct contract template is selected automatically. On the other hand, the contract creation happens faster because metadata such as contracting partner, address, contract duration etc. are automatically read into the document. Because of that, manual rework and elaborate search for the right template is eliminated.

The project was rounded off by the implementing DocuSign’s digital signature. With that, all parties involved in the workflow can sign the automatically created contracts. Thanks to this kind of digitizing possibility of the signature, we are saving time, money and administrative overhead. It was possible to increase the security and satisfaction of all contract parties through the support of DocuSign.

With Portal Systems, dox42 and DocuSign, we had the right partners at our side with whom the introduction and development within our system was done pleasantly and smoothly. Regarding our requirements, we were always consulted in a fair and competent way and ended up with having a system that benefits everyone – from agents to managing directors. Relaxed we look to the future and look forward to the next joint projects.

Sabrina Englmeier

IT Applications Developer @ T.CON GmbH & Co. KG

Sabrina Englmeier - IT Applications Developer at T.CON GmbH & Co. KG