
Substantially reducing all necessary working-steps for all employees

Quality throughout all customer processes is crucial to BonusCard.ch AG. With dox42, BonusCard.ch AG is able to react to changing customer needs flexibly and without great effort. Furthermore, the introduction of dox42 enabled the team leaders to edit existing and even create new standard letters in no time. And what is more, this can be done without the help of interal or external IT-specialists.

dox42 substantially reduced all necessary working-steps for all 70 employees with direct customer contact. The training effort for the involved personnel was minimal. What is more, the automation helped us to avoid errors.

‚Our employees’ reactions are extraordinarily positive’, mentions Lukas Fierz from BonusCard.ch AG. The aim is to substainably increase the customer satisfaction.

‚The interfaces are clearly defined and there is a clear operational responsibility within the system parts.’, so Lukas Fierz. ‚The realized efficiency and quality profits are substantial. Considering the current figures it will be possible to amortize the whole optimization within two years. 

Case Study: "BondusCard: Optimierung des Schriftverkehrs im Customer Center" (in German)

To the company website of Elca

Lukas Fierz

Head Solution Design & Technology @ BonusCard.ch

Lukas Fierz - Head Solution Design & Technology at BonusCard.ch