
Versatile solution compatible with on-premises systems and Cloud services

Gelsenwasser AG is a publicly listed German infrastructure and utility company, primarily operating in the water, wastewater, and energy sectors. Collaborating with a network of over 80 partner companies, they excel in managing complex and innovative projects.

In their quest to streamline document processes, Gelsenwasser sought a versatile solution compatible with both on-premises systems and Cloud services. Additionally, they aimed for a user-friendly platform empowering business users to customize document templates effortlessly, including complex features like dimension changes, dynamic images, maps, and varied footers.

Meeting these diverse requirements, our partner busitec successfully implemented a dox42 solution at Gelsenwasser. This solution enables the automated creation of documents such as confirmation letters and permission requests directly from Dynamics and Power Apps. Gelsenwasser can seamlessly integrate data from both on-premises and cloud systems while allowing users to easily modify templates within their SharePoint library. Currently, Gelsenwasser is actively expanding their automated document processes with dox42.

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