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30 April 2024

Vienna Daughters' Day at dox42

Vienna Daughters' Day at dox42

On April 25th we welcomed interested students to our dox42 office.

With the help of Senior Technical Evangelist Lisa Pulsinger, our talented guests created their own Hogwarts school reports with dox42 and made these cool graphics together with Graphic Designer Johanna Wieland for a professional LinkedIn Posting

It was a very special honor and pleasure to spend a creative, productive and fun morning with Jazmin, Shilan, Jana, Shahlo and Selma in our office - thank you for your visit!

dox42 News Update

The dox42 team will keep you updated when we have something to say. This is our promise!
  • Recent releases of dox42
  • Success stories
  • Practical hints for the use of dox42
  • New partners etc.