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28 February 2023

New dox42 Version 4.6 available

New dox42 Version 4.6 available

Our Enterprise Add-In and Server are starting the year with substantial updates: the dox42 Excel Add-In and Server for Spreadsheets are as powerful as never before, Exchange Online e-mails support dox42 template bodies, dox42 HTTP Header for metadata can be integrated in dox42 calls and many other features.

Download the new version now >>

To learn about the new features within the dox42 Excel Add-In, check out our latest dox42 Class. >> In this class, we show you a live-application-scenario and guide you through creating dynamics worksheets, copying content and format, shifting rows and many other dox42 Excel updates.

You are not using the dox42 Excel Add-In and dox42 Server for Spreadsheets yet? Now until June 30th is the best time to upgrade to dox42 Enterprise (Word, PowerPoint and Excel)! Get in touch with us to discuss our limited pricing offer for dox42 Enterprise Upgrades >>

dox42 News Update

The dox42 team will keep you updated when we have something to say. This is our promise!
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